Acoular 24.07 documentation


«  spectra   ::   spectra   ::   FFTSpectra  »


class acoular.spectra.BaseSpectra

Bases: HasPrivateTraits

source = Trait(SamplesGenerator)

Data source; SamplesGenerator or derived object.

sample_freq = Delegate('source')

Sampling frequency of output signal, as given by source.

numchannels = Delegate('source')

Number of time data channels

window = Trait(

Window function for FFT, one of: * ‘Rectangular’ (default) * ‘Hanning’ * ‘Hamming’ * ‘Bartlett’ * ‘Blackman’

overlap = Trait('None', {'None': 1, '50%': 2, '75%': 4, '87.5%': 8}, desc='overlap of FFT blocks')

Overlap factor for averaging: ‘None’(default), ‘50%’, ‘75%’, ‘87.5%’.

block_size = Trait(

FFT block size, one of: 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048 … 65536, defaults to 1024.

precision = Trait('complex128', 'complex64', desc='precision of the fft')

The floating-number-precision of entries of csm, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, corresponding to numpy dtypes. Default is 64 bit.


Return the Discrete Fourier Transform sample frequencies.


Array of length block_size/2+1 containing the sample frequencies.

«  spectra   ::   spectra   ::   FFTSpectra  »