Acoular 25.03 documentation


«  environments   ::   environments   ::   UniformFlowEnvironment  »


class acoular.environments.Environment

Bases: HasStrictTraits

A simple acoustic environment without flow.

This class models an acoustic environment where the propagation of sound is considered to occur in a homogeneous medium without any flow effects (e.g., wind). It provides functionality for computing the travel time or distances between grid point locations and microphone locations.


  • The dist_mat() function is used internally to compute the pairwise distances between grid points and microphone positions efficiently.

  • This class assumes a static, homogeneous environment without accounting for factors like temperature gradients, humidity, or atmospheric turbulence.

digest = Property(depends_on=['c'])

A unique identifier based on the environment properties. (read-only)

c = Float(343.0, desc='speed of sound')

The speed of sound in the environment. Default is 343.0, which corresponds to the approximate speed of sound at 20°C in dry air at sea level, if the unit is m/s.

roi = Union(None, CArray)

The region of interest (ROI) for calculations. (Not needed for most types of environment.) Default is None.

«  environments   ::   environments   ::   UniformFlowEnvironment  »