Acoular 25.03 documentation


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class acoular.trajectory.Trajectory

Bases: HasStrictTraits

Represents a trajectory as a continuous curve derived from sampled points.

The Trajectory class computes a smooth, continuous path through a set of discrete points in space and time using spline interpolation. It also supports evaluating the trajectory and its derivatives at arbitrary time instants.

It can be used to:

Exemplary use can also be seen in the rotating point source example.

See also


Model a point source moving along a trajectory.


Model a point source dipole moving along a trajectory.


Model a line source moving along a trajectory.


Beamformer implementing the CLEAN method [21] in time domain for moving sources with known trajectory.


Basic time domain beamformer with time signal output for a grid moving along a trajectory.


Underlying spline generation function.


Used for evaluating the spline.


  • Spline interpolation provides a smooth trajectory that passes through all sampled points. The interpolation order is adjusted automatically based on the number of points.

  • The trajectory can be used in simulations where a source’s motion must be modeled continuously.


Create a trajectory and evaluate positions and velocities:

>>> from acoular import Trajectory
>>> points = {0.0: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 1.0: (1.0, 0.0, 0.0), 2.0: (2.0, 1.0, 0.0)}
>>> tr = Trajectory(points=points)
>>> tr.location(1.5)  # Position at t=1.5
[array(1.5), array(0.375), array(0.)]
>>> for pos in tr.traj(0.0, 2.0, 0.5):  # Positions every 0.5 seconds
...     print(pos)
(np.float64(0.0), np.float64(0.0), np.float64(0.0))
(np.float64(0.5), np.float64(-0.125), np.float64(0.0))
(np.float64(1.0), np.float64(0.0), np.float64(0.0))
(np.float64(1.5), np.float64(0.375), np.float64(0.0))
points = Dict(

Dictionary mapping time instants (keys, as floats) to sampled (x, y, z) positions (values, as tuples of floats) along the trajectory.

interval = Property()

Automatically determined tuple (t_min, t_max) representing the start and end times of the trajectory, based on the keys in points.

tck = Property()

Internal representation of the spline, generated using scipy.interpolate.splprep().

digest = Property(depends_on=['points[]'])

A unique identifier for the trajectory, based on its points. (read-only)

location(t, der=0)

Compute the trajectory’s position or derivatives at specified times.

tfloat or array of floats

Time instant(s) at which to compute the position(s) or derivative(s).

derint, optional
Order of the derivative to compute:
  • 0 for positions (default),

  • 1 for velocities,

  • 2 for accelerations, etc.


(x, y, z) arrays representing the trajectory’s position (or derivative) at the given time(s). The shape matches that of t.


>>> import acoular as ac
>>> points = {0.0: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 1.0: (1.0, 2.0, 0.0), 2.0: (2.0, 4.0, 0.0)}
>>> tr = ac.Trajectory(points=points)
>>> tr.location(1.0)  # Position at t=1.0
[array(1.), array(2.), array(0.)]
>>> tr.location([0.5, 1.5], der=1)  # Velocity at t=0.5 and t=1.5
[array([1., 1.]), array([2., 2.]), array([0., 0.])]
traj(t_start, t_end=None, delta_t=None, der=0)

Interate through trajectory positions or derivatives at specified intervals.


Start time for the trajectory. Default is earliest key in points.

t_endfloat, optional

End time of the trajectory. Default is the latest key in points.

delta_tfloat, optional

Time interval between consecutive points to yield. Default is the value of t_start.

derint, optional
Order of the derivative to compute:
  • 0 for positions (default),

  • 1 for velocities,

  • 2 for accelerations, etc.

tuple of floats

(x, y, z) positions or derivatives at the specified time intervals.


The function precomputes all interpolated locations for efficiency and yields them sequentially.


Create a trajectory and iterate through the positions in the interval:

>>> import acoular as ac
>>> points = {0.0: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 1.0: (1.0, 0.0, 0.0), 2.0: (2.0, 1.0, 0.0)}
>>> tr = ac.Trajectory(points=points)
>>> for pos in tr.traj(0.0, 2.0, 0.5):
...     print(pos)
(np.float64(0.0), np.float64(0.0), np.float64(0.0))
(np.float64(0.5), np.float64(-0.125), np.float64(0.0))
(np.float64(1.0), np.float64(0.0), np.float64(0.0))
(np.float64(1.5), np.float64(0.375), np.float64(0.0))

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