Acoular 25.03 documentation

Three sources – Generate synthetic microphone array data.

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Three sources – Generate synthetic microphone array data.

Generates a test data set for three sources.

The simulation generates the sound pressure at 64 microphones that are arrangend in the ‘array64’ geometry which is part of the package. The sound pressure signals are sampled at 51200 Hz for a duration of 1 second. The simulated signals are stored in a HDF5 file named ‘three_sources.h5’.

Source location (relative to array center) and levels:






1 Pa



0.7 Pa



0.5 Pa

from pathlib import Path

import acoular as ac

sfreq = 51200
duration = 1
num_samples = duration * sfreq
micgeofile = Path(ac.__file__).parent / 'xml' / 'array_64.xml'
h5savefile = Path('three_sources.h5')

m = ac.MicGeom(file=micgeofile)
n1 = ac.WNoiseGenerator(sample_freq=sfreq, num_samples=num_samples, seed=1)
n2 = ac.WNoiseGenerator(sample_freq=sfreq, num_samples=num_samples, seed=2, rms=0.7)
n3 = ac.WNoiseGenerator(sample_freq=sfreq, num_samples=num_samples, seed=3, rms=0.5)
p1 = ac.PointSource(signal=n1, mics=m, loc=(-0.1, -0.1, -0.3))
p2 = ac.PointSource(signal=n2, mics=m, loc=(0.15, 0, -0.3))
p3 = ac.PointSource(signal=n3, mics=m, loc=(0, 0.1, -0.3))
p = ac.Mixer(source=p1, sources=[p2, p3])
wh5 = ac.WriteH5(source=p, file=h5savefile)

See also

Basic Beamforming – Generate a map of three sources. for an example on how to load and analyze the generated data with Beamforming.

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.444 seconds)

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«  Introductory examples   ::   Introductory examples   ::   Basic Beamforming – Generate a map of three sources.  »