Acoular 25.03 documentation

Parallel processing chains – SampleSplitter buffer handling.

«  Parallel processing chains – Multithreading with the SampleSplitter.   ::   IO and signal processing examples   ::   Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of multichannel time data.  »

Parallel processing chains – SampleSplitter buffer handling.

This example shows the different behaviour of SampleSplitter class when the maximum size of a block buffer is reached for one object obtaining data.

Three different settings are available for the buffer overflow behaviour:
  • none: no warning, no error

  • warning: a warning appears

  • error: an error is raised

import threading
from time import sleep

import acoular as ac
import numpy as np

Set up data source. For convenience, we use a synthetic white noise with length of 1 s.

fs = 16000
ts = ac.TimeSamples(data=np.random.randn(fs * 1)[:, np.newaxis], sample_freq=fs)

Connect SampleSplitter to data source

ss = ac.SampleSplitter(source=ts)

Create two objects to process the time data. Registration of these objects will be done at the SampleSplitter object. For each object, a buffer will be created at the SampleSplitter object, which can store 5 blocks of data for each object. We set the buffer overflow behaviour to ‘none’ so that no warning or error is raised when the buffer is full. If the maximum size of the buffer is reached, the oldest block will be removed from the buffer.

tp1 = ac.TimePower(source=ss)
tp2 = ac.TimePower(source=ss)

# register these objects at SampleSplitter
ss.register_object(tp1, tp2, buffer_size=5, buffer_overflow_treatment='none')

Define some useful functions for inspecting and for reading data from the SampleSplitter buffers. Three different functions are defined to simulate different processing speeds (fast, slow).

def print_number_of_blocks_in_block_buffers():
    """Prints the number of data blocks in SampleSplitter-buffers. For each
    subsequent object, a buffer exist.
    buffers = list(ss.block_buffer.values())
    elements = [len(buf) for buf in buffers]
    print(f"num blocks in buffers: {dict(zip(['tp1','tp2'], elements))}")

def get_data_fast(obj):  # not time consuming function
    """Gets data fast (pause 0.01 seconds)"""
    for _ in obj.result(2048):  #
        print('tp1 calls sample splitter')

def get_data_slow(obj):  # more time consuming function
    """Gets data slow (pause 0.1 seconds)"""
    for i in obj.result(2048):  #
        print('tp2 calls sample splitter')

Prepare and start processing in threads (no warning or error when block buffer is full)

print("buffer overflow behaviour == 'none'")

worker1 = threading.Thread(target=get_data_fast, args=(tp1,))
worker2 = threading.Thread(target=get_data_slow, args=(tp2,))

print('start threads')



print('threads finished')
buffer overflow behaviour == 'none'
start threads
tp1 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 1}
tp2 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 0}
tp1 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 1}
tp1 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 2}
tp1 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 3}
tp1 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 4}
tp1 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 5}
tp1 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 5}
tp1 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 5}
tp2 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 4}
tp2 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 3}
tp2 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 2}
tp2 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 1}
tp2 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 0}
threads finished

Prepare and start processing in threads (only warning when block buffer is full)

print("buffer overflow behaviour == 'warning'")

ss.buffer_overflow_treatment[tp1] = 'warning'
ss.buffer_overflow_treatment[tp2] = 'warning'

worker1 = threading.Thread(target=get_data_fast, args=(tp1,))
worker2 = threading.Thread(target=get_data_slow, args=(tp2,))

print('start threads')



print('threads finished')
buffer overflow behaviour == 'warning'
start threads
tp1 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 1}
tp2 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 0}
tp1 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 1}
tp1 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 2}
tp1 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 3}
tp1 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 4}
tp1 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 5}
tp1 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 5}
tp1 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 5}
tp2 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 4}
tp2 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 3}
tp2 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 2}
tp2 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 1}
tp2 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 0}
threads finished

Prepare and start processing in threads (raise error when block buffer is full)

print("buffer overflow behaviour == 'error'")

ss.buffer_overflow_treatment[tp1] = 'error'
ss.buffer_overflow_treatment[tp2] = 'error'

worker1 = threading.Thread(target=get_data_fast, args=(tp1,))
worker2 = threading.Thread(target=get_data_slow, args=(tp2,))

print('start threads')



print('threads finished')
buffer overflow behaviour == 'error'
start threads
tp1 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 1}
tp2 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 0}
tp1 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 1}
tp1 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 2}
tp1 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 3}
tp1 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 4}
tp1 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 5}
tp1 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 5}
tp1 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 5}
tp2 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 4}
tp2 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 3}
tp2 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 2}
tp2 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 1}
tp2 calls sample splitter
num blocks in buffers: {'tp1': 0, 'tp2': 0}
threads finished

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 1.813 seconds)

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«  Parallel processing chains – Multithreading with the SampleSplitter.   ::   IO and signal processing examples   ::   Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of multichannel time data.  »