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Tools – Demonstrates barspectrum tool of Acoular¶
A noise source emitting white noise is simulated. Its spectrum at a single microphone is plotted by using functions from
import acoular as ac
import numpy as np
from import barspectrum
# Set up a single microphone at (0,0,0)
m = ac.MicGeom(pos_total=np.array([[0, 0, 0]]).T)
# Create a noise source
sample_freq = 12800 # sample frequency
n1 = ac.WNoiseGenerator(sample_freq=sample_freq, num_samples=10 * sample_freq, seed=1)
t = ac.PointSource(signal=n1, mics=m, loc=(1, 0, 1))
# create power spectrum
f = ac.PowerSpectra(source=t, window='Hanning', overlap='50%', block_size=4096, cached=False)
# get spectrum data
spectrum_data = np.real(f.csm[:, 0, 0]) # get power spectrum from cross-spectral matrix
freqs = f.fftfreq() # FFT frequencies
# use barspectrum from to create third octave plot data
band = 3 # octave: 1 ; 1/3-octave: 3 (for plotting)
(f_borders, p, f_center) = barspectrum(spectrum_data, freqs, band, bar=True)
(f_borders_, p_, f_center_) = barspectrum(spectrum_data, freqs, band, bar=False)
create figure with barspectra
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 6))
plt.plot(f_borders, ac.L_p(p), label='bar=True')
plt.plot(f_borders_, ac.L_p(p_), label='bar=False')
plt.xlim(f_borders[0] * 2 ** (-1.0 / 6), f_borders[-1] * 2 ** (1.0 / 6))
plt.ylim(50, 90)
label_freqs = [str(int(_)) for _ in f_center] # create string labels
plt.xticks(f_center, label_freqs)
plt.xlabel('f in Hz')
plt.ylabel('SPL in dB')

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.186 seconds)