Acoular 25.01 documentation


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The package documentation is provided under acoular/docs/source. This directory contains the index.rst file which serves as the root document (landing page) embedding several other subdocuments (sub-pages) written in reStructuredText format. The full documentation is built using the Sphinx package. See Documentation Compilation for instructions on how to build the documentation.


Some of the subdirectories (sub-pages) are created automatically during the documentation build process. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid editing the generated files directly. This concerns the docs/source/api_ref/generated directory, which contains the API documentation generated from the source code, and the docs/source/auto_examples directory, which contains the auto-generated examples.

User Documentation

This is the easiest way to contribute to the documentation. You can simply edit the corresponding .rst files in the acoular/docs/source directory which are not generated automatically. Make sure you are using the reStructuredText format. If you want to add a new document, it should be referenced in the index.rst or any related file. We are happy about every fixed spelling mistake or improved explanation.

Documenting the API

There are several situations in which you want to change the API documentation. For example, when you add a new class, method, or function, or when you change the signature of an existing method. In some cases, you might also want to improve the existing documentation.

The API documentation is generated from the documentation strings of the source code using the Sphinx autosummary extension. The API documentation follows the NumPy style. The generated API documentation can be found in the source/api_ref subdirectory of the documentation after compilation.

Documenting Classes, Methods and Functions

A class documentation that is suitable as a how-to example is given by the acoular.sources.TimeSamples class.

Writing docstrings:

Docstrings should first contain a short summary line, followed by an extended summary using reStructuredText syntax. An extended summary is not always necessary, but it is recommended not only for complex implementations. Ideally, the extended summary provides a detailed explanation of the method’s purpose, behavior, and usage.

@deprecated_alias({'name': 'file'})
class TimeSamples(SamplesGenerator):
    """Container for processing time data in `*.h5` or NumPy array format.

    This class loads measured data from HDF5 files and provides information about this data. It also
    serves as an interface where the data can be accessed (e.g. for use in a block chain) via the

We welcome the addition of code examples to the docstrings of classes (and functions). The acoular.sources.TimeSamples class provides a short snippet with explanation in the docstring:

    Data can be loaded from a HDF5 file as follows:

    >>> from acoular import TimeSamples
    >>> file = <some_h5_file.h5>  # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> ts = TimeSamples(file=file)  # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> print(f'number of channels: {ts.num_channels}')  # doctest: +SKIP
    number of channels: 56 # doctest: +SKIP

    Alternatively, the time data can be specified directly as a numpy array.
    In this case, the :attr:`data` and :attr:`sample_freq` attributes must be set manually.

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> data = np.random.rand(1000, 4)
    >>> ts = TimeSamples(data=data, sample_freq=51200)

    Chunks of the time data can be accessed iteratively via the :meth:`result` generator. The last
    block will be shorter than the block size if the number of samples is not a multiple of the
    block size.

    >>> blocksize = 512
    >>> generator = ts.result(num=blocksize)
    >>> for block in generator:
    ...     print(block.shape)
    (512, 4)

To ensure that these snippets stay up-to-date, they are tested automatically within Acoular’s CI workflow using pytest with the python standard doctest module. This requires that the code examples are written in a way that they can be executed as standalone code snippets. In very rare cases, it is not possible to write an executable standalone code snippet. In such cases, the code snippet can be marked with the # doctest: +SKIP directive to be excluded from the doctests.

One can use the following command with hatch to run the doctests locally:

hatch run tests:doctest

Cross-references can be included in the See Also section, which lists related classes or functions:

    (488, 4)

    See Also
        Extends the functionality of class :class:`TimeSamples` by enabling the definition of start

Documenting class attributes:

Acoular makes use of the Traits API, which allows for the definition of class attributes with type checking and default values. Most of the Acoular classes will directly define their attributes, and the corresponding __init__ method will not be explicitly defined. It is recommended to document public class attributes using a comment line above the attribute definition starting with #:. Sphinx will automatically detect these comments and include them in the API documentation.

    calib = Instance(Calib, desc='Calibration data')

    #: Number of channels, is set automatically / read from file.
    num_channels = CInt(0, desc='number of input channels')

    #: Number of time data samples, is set automatically / read from file.
    num_samples = CInt(0, desc='number of samples')

    #: The time data as array of floats with dimension (num_samples, num_channels).

Documenting public methods and functions:

Similar to classes, public methods and functions need to have a docstring. In addition to the summary line, the arguments and return values should be documented in NumPy style. See the acoular.sources.TimeSamples.result() method as an example:

    def result(self, num=128):
        """Python generator that yields the output block-wise.

        Reads the time data either from a HDF5 file or from a numpy array given
        by :attr:`data` and iteratively returns a block of size `num` samples.
        Calibrated data is returned if a calibration object is given by :attr:`calib`.

        num : integer, defaults to 128
            This parameter defines the size of the blocks to be yielded
            (i.e. the number of samples per block).

            Samples in blocks of shape (num, num_channels).
            The last block may be shorter than num.



To ensure that a new class, or function is included in the generated API documentation, it needs to be added to the autosummary section at the top of the respective Python module file so that it can be recognized by Sphinx. The autosummary section is a block with a list of the classes, functions, and constants defined in the module.

For the acoular.sources module, the autosummary section looks like this:

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Acoular Development Team.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"""Measured multichannel data management and simulation of acoustic sources.

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: generated/


Documenting Modules

Modules should be documented with a module docstring at the beginning of the file. The docstring should contain a summary of the module’s purpose. The docstring should be enclosed in triple quotes and should be placed at the beginning of the file, before any other code.

Writing Python examples

Acoular provides a set of examples that demonstrate how to use the package. These examples are located in the acoular/examples subdirectory.

We are always looking for new examples that demonstrate the functionality of Acoular. If you have a good example that you would like to share, please consider contributing it to the Acoular package.

We also encourage you to enhance the existing examples by adding more detailed explanations, improving the code, or adding new features.

We use the Sphinx-Gallery extension to automatically generate .rst files and downloadable .ipynb files from the Python examples, located in the docs/source/auto_examples directory.

Adding new examples

To add a new example, create a new Python script in one of the subdirectories of the examples directory. If no subdirectory is suitable, you can create a new one. The name of the script should start with example_ followed by a short descriptive name. If the latter is the case, make sure to add the new subdirectory in the acoular/docs/source/ file in the sphinx_gallery_conf dictionary:

sphinx_gallery_conf = {
    'subsection_order' : ExplicitOrder([

All examples are executed during the documentation build process to ensure that they are working correctly. Therefore, it is important to keep an eye on the execution time of your example. We will only accept examples that run in a reasonable time frame (ideally within a few seconds).

Citing literature

If you are adding a new feature or method that is based on scientific literature, please make sure to include the corresponding references as a bibtex entry in the acoular/docs/source/literature/literature.bib file. Details on the bibtex format can be found here.

You can then cite the reference using the directive :cite:`<BIBTEX_KEY>` directive in the documentation. Your citation will be automatically included in the bibliography section of the documentation.

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