Thank you for considering contributing to Acoular! There are many ways to contribute to Acoular, and we appreciate all of them:
Report Issues: If you find a bug in the source code or the documentation, you can submit an issue to the issue tracker on GitHub. The Acoular Development Team will decide on the priority of the problem and when it will be fixed. Thus, we cannot guarantee that the issue you reported will be solved in the next release. Instead, we encourage you to submit a pull request with a fix to speed up the process. Just follow the Contribution Guidelines to get started.
Taking Part in Discussions: You can join the Acoular discussions forum to ask questions, discuss existing and new features. If you have a specific feature request that might be also interesting for the community, you can also submit it here.
Contribute Code: You can contribute code to Acoular by forking the repository and submitting a pull request. It doesn’t need to be a big feature; it can be as simple as fixing a typo in the documentation. Please make sure to first read the Contribution Guidelines before submitting a pull request.